Potsdam village board approves contract for engineering of Brooks Street

Posted 6/20/24

POTSDAM — The village will contract with a firm for engineering and landscape design for a new village street which will connect Depot and Raymond streets.

The village board of trustees …

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Potsdam village board approves contract for engineering of Brooks Street


POTSDAM — The village will contract with a firm for engineering and landscape design for a new village street which will connect Depot and Raymond streets.

The village board of trustees and the mayor at their meeting June 17 approved the contract with Rochester-based firm LaBella Associates, PS for engineering and landscape design services for the Brooks Street Construction Project.

Funding for the  engineering and landscape design services for Brooks Street offered by LaBella will be covered by a grant through the Northern Border Regional Commission.

The firm has already been contracted by the village supply design work for its $4.5 million Downtown Streetscape Enhancement and Riverwalk projects. That work, funded through the village’s state Downtown Revitalization Initiative, will involve a comprehensive redesign, modernization and enhancement of the downtown business district.

The Depot and Raymond streets block is also undergoing an overhaul, with some state DRI funding through various entities.

SLC Arts Creative Spirit Center and the North Country Children’s Museum, both on Raymond Street are in the midst of major overhauls. Garner Park, sitting along the river, has been reconstructed. And, the Market Square Mall, owned by local architect Brooks Washburn who has suggested and facilitated the new street connecting Depot and Raymond, is undergoing a remodel as well.