Community Bank plans to close its Waddington branch in September

Posted 7/12/22

BY JEFF CHUDZINSKI North Country This Week WADDINGTON — Community Bank has announced plans to close its Waddington branch on Sept. 30. The branch currently operates three days per week, including …

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Community Bank plans to close its Waddington branch in September


North Country This Week

WADDINGTON — Community Bank has announced plans to close its Waddington branch on Sept. 30.

The branch currently operates three days per week, including from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays.

The move comes as a surprise to residents, who have come to rely on the branch for a number of years, according to Mayor Mike Zagrobelny.

In an open letter penned to Hal Wentworth, Senior Vice President of Retail Banking for Community Bank, Zagrobelny voiced his displeasure with the move.

According to the letter, Community Bank officials never spoke with local officials to discuss the potential impact closing the branch may have on the community.

Zagrobelny went on to describe the makeup of the village and town, including the sorts of businesses present, as well as the “aging population” who rely heavily on the branch.

“As you are aware, the Village of Waddington is a long time customer. The closure of this branch would have a devastating impact on the economics of the village and the lives of your residents. Local businesses will have additional expenses to travel to another town for banking. I know that the Village Clerk makes deposits two to three times weekly at the Waddington branch. A quick trip downtown to the bank is one thing, but traveling to another town will force us to assess time and staffing issues to compensate,” Zagrobelny said in the letter.

Community Bank customers will now have to travel over 10 miles to Madrid for banking needs, according to Zagrobelny.

“Your letter begins by stating that ‘we (CBNA) remain highly committed to our communities.’ I fail to see this decision as a commitment to our community. The letter we received directs us to the bank at the ‘nearby’ Madrid branch which is ten miles from the center of the village. If you do visit Waddington, I encourage you to visit in mid-January or any winter month when the main road from Waddington to Madrid is buffeted by snow and wind whipping across barren farm fields. The trip can be quite treacherous,” he wrote.

Zagrobelny further took them to task for suggesting that current bank customers should utilize the bank’s digital banking options.

“I don’t think I have to tell you that much of our population would rather brave driving through a blizzard than navigating digital banking,” Zagrobelny said.

Zagrobelny also said that the taxes associated with the current location are some of the most affordable in the county, totaling less than $8,000 per year, including all school taxes.

Though the branch is only staffed three days per week, Community Bank is the only FDIC insured institution in the town limits, he said.

Zagrobelny suggested that the decision may ultimately cost the bank a number of long term, valuable customers.

“The Village and our community must also consider the economic impact of your corporate decisions. Those decisions may cause many of your loyal customers (including myself and the Village) to move our business elsewhere,” he wrote.

In closing his letter, Zagrobelny also highlighted the phone calls he has received from concerned residents, many of whom Community Bank called “valued customers” in their letter to the village.

“Lastly, your letter includes the word “happy” three times (“happy to know” twice and “happy to help” once). I can assure you through the calls I have received and my conversations around the village that the community and your “valued customers” are anything but happy about the closure of the Waddington branch. Amazingly, your letter thanks customers, appreciates the business, and touts your commitment to communities while applying more and more lipstick to the pig. I encourage you and your management team to reconsider the closing of the Waddington branch, and I will be encouraging our residents to contact you with their own concerns,” Zagrobelny wrote.

Calls to Community Bank officials were not immediately returned as of press time.

With the scheduled closing of Community Bank, Waddington residents will be left with just Massena Savings and Loan in the village for banking services. Massena Savings and Loan is open 8:30am to 5pm, Monday through Friday.