Canton village, town boards to work with digital marketing company on community-themed videos

Posted 7/28/22

BY PAUL MITCHELL North Country This Week CANTON – Both town and village boards agreed Wednesday night to proceed with a digital marketing opportunity that would be of no cost to the municipalities. …

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Canton village, town boards to work with digital marketing company on community-themed videos


North Country This Week

CANTON – Both town and village boards agreed Wednesday night to proceed with a digital marketing opportunity that would be of no cost to the municipalities.

Village Trustee Anna Sorensen has been examining a proposal from Rochester-based CGI Digital, a company dedicated to serving communities and businesses through community-themed videos.

Sorensen said CGI Digital would create a series of five videos ranging from 30 seconds to 90 seconds highlighting handpicked areas of interest in the town and village of Canton.

“The Economic Development team thought it was a worthwhile venture. It’s another tool at no cost except for working with them,” stated Sorensen. “It seems like a really good opportunity for us.”

She pointed out that both boards will dictate the themes for the videos, be it economic development, recreation or other impactful areas.

“It’s free to us then the model involves an outreach to businesses to offer them options for marketing videos,” Sorensen stated.

It was also noted that service to the municipalities will remain free regardless of business participation in a fee-based service with CGI.

Once a deal is finalized with CGI, one or two kickoff meetings will be held to decide what board members want included in the videos.

“It will all be done with our approval and our input,” Sorensen said.

Councilman Bob Washo asked if the video package could be used to enhance grant opportunities, especially the Downtown Revitalization Initiative grant. Sorensen said “yes.”

“Bolstering grants is a good enough reason to do it,” said Washo, who rallied for a September videotaping.

“September would be great with then college kids returning, the farmers market and the fall weather,” he said.

CGI’s website states their Community Showcase Video Program is nationally recognized as a vehicle to enhance municipal websites, delivering information that online visitors are seeking. This service assists in community growth and development.